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New Faculty: Annette Angela Portillo, Ph.D.

Aug 1, 2007 | Campus News

Annette Angela Portillo, Ph.D. is the newest Assistant Professor of English in Nevada State College’s School of Liberal Arts and Sciences. After finishing her degree at Cornell University, she taught comparative literature and composition at Mount Holyoke College and Oberlin College.
Her academic interests include Chicano Studies, Native American Studies, Feminist Theory and Autobiography, having developed such courses as Native American Identities in a Comparative Context and Outlaw Genres: Latina, Native American and Third World Women’s Autobiography.
Dr. Portillo has stretched her pedagogy beyond the traditional classroom, integrating electronic technologies and diverse settings, such as a literature seminar for young women in juvenile detention in Lansing, New York.
She writes, in all of my courses, my pedagogical approach is one that is engaged, valuing each student’s expressions and emphasizing collective dialogue. And throughout my academic career I have made it a priority to engage and work with diverse populations. I believe that at a university I will not only be taking on the role of a professor, but I will also be placed in the role of mentor and advisor. And I look forward to such roles that will allow me to advise students whether it be in the classroom, on committees or through student organizations.
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